STARTS 1/29/2024


Become stronger

Improve mobility

Become a healthier you

We are very particular as to who we bring into our fitness tribe. 

Who this fitness system is for:

If you have failed to stick to your fitness resolution in the past.

You have gained 5 -10 pounds during the holidays.

You work out on your own and are in need of more variety of workouts.

Bored from the same old routine that did not get you any results last year.

Someone to hold you accountable and motivate you.

You’re stuck finding new and healthy meals for your family.

Our 28-Day Body Transformation Program Includes:


✅ Unlimited Small Group Metabolic Training (value $299).

✅ Home workouts with a video to use on the days you’re not with us or unable to make it to the village to training. (value $49).

✅ 28 Days of Dietitian-Approved Meal Guides (value $149).

✅ Print-&-Go Grocery Lists to make your shopping a breeze.

✅ Complete Recipe Manual loaded with healthy, delicious, and simple-to-make recipes!

✅ 2024 New Year Success Manual loaded with tips and strategies.

✅ Daily motivation to keep you on track and accountable to your goals (Priceless).

✅ Inbody Body Fat/Muscle/Inflammation Analysis (before/after) to create a baseline (failure to do this is why so many people plateau and backslide with their fitness program).  This is necessary to track your progress. (value $79).

✅ One-on-one with Coach Fatimat (you will get personal time to finally set your fitness goals with an Olympic Silver Medalist who has been there and done it and in the past struggled with obesity) (value $97).

✅ Goal setting and much more (value $29).

You Get Everything:

The transformation starts on January 29th (Monday) thru February 25th.


The whole program is worth over $599, but you will only pay $199, the EARLY Bird is only $149!


Spots are limited to 15 motivated people as we want to make sure we have the right amount of motivated people, so secure your spot ASAP!


You can secure your spot by registering here for the early bird special of only $149. Price goes up by  January 20, 2024.


28 Days New Year Transformation Information

Start Date: January 29th, 2024

Class Schedule: MTWThF at 5 am; MWF at 9 am, MTWTH at 6 pm and Saturday at 7 am.


Meet your coach

Fatimat Yusuf-Olukoju Hhana Haro


I will equip you with tools you’ re gonna need to fight this resolutions  battle
Here is HOW-  I will let you in on my crafted weight loss system that I have developed over 17 years of competing as a professional athlete.

This is a program I have also used on myself after gaining over 40 lbs from childbirth #2.

How would you like to lose weight, boost your metabolism and tone and tighten your body faster than you ever thought possible and keep it off in 2024?
How about a complete body transformation in only 28 days?
I know it sounds absolutely crazy, but hear this village girl out, ok?
Many people have already started writing their New Year Resolution, you are probably starting to think that it is about time to stick to your fitness resolutions, but in reality you have failed more than twice in the past.
Am I right?  Is that an accurate statement?  Don’t worry I won’t hear you say it.
Unfortunately, you may have already tried the big gyms down the street and have little or no success at all!
Here is a little known secret….They don’t care whether you get in shape, get results, or even come at all!
Here is the good news…We are a small family owned business that knows every single one of our members names and goals.  This may not sound important, but it means a lot when our success is based on how well you do and the results you get.
You do want results, right!?




“My name is Rowena Foltz.  I am 52 years old and teach 5th grade in the city where I live - Riverside, CA.  Before I began working with Fatimat, I was tired and sluggish throughout the day.  I always used the excuse that I didn't have enough time to work out.  After visiting my doctor, I realized I needed a change in my lifestyle or be put on medicine for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I have been working with Fatimat for almost two years and have seen remarkable changes.  My cholesterol was 231 and went down to 187 in three months.  My blood pressure also went down and I don't have to be on any medication.  I have energy to do a mile run with my class every week and participate in P.E.

I have gotten in the habit of getting up early and working out before work. It was tough at first, but with Fatimat's encouragement and expectations, I was able to do it.  I have always had a relatively healthy diet, but Fatimat reinforced maintaining that diet and gave me new ideas to continue. Try Village Coach Fitness and you won't be disappointed!!!”


“My journey with Village Coach Fitness began in July 2012 when a good friend of mine recommended a new trainer she had come across by the name of Coach Fatimat.  I signed up and knew from day one that Village Coach Fitness was perfect for me.  Every workout session proved to be more challenging than the next.  What really stood out to me in each and every session was how supportive and encouraging all of the tribe members were.   I would come to learn that this was a direct reflection of our tribal leader, Coach Fatimat.  Her kind words and ability to push each and every one of us in our daily workouts is why anyone who stays committed to her program sees immediate results.  She always finds a way to push you to do your best.  Even though I had always been a pretty active person, Coach Fatimat’s exercises proved to be very challenging (especially when her timer runs on Nigerian time) and rewarding.  Right away I started noticing a difference not only in my body but in the way I felt.  I now feel more energetic and motivated to keep on following Coach Fatimat’s program.  Thanks for all of the encouragement Coach!”


The 28-Day Women's Only New Year Challenge was created to make Fitness accessible to women over 40. We have personally experienced the life-changing power of functional fitness and wanted to find a way for other women to connect as well. We know it can be scary or intimidating to come into the gym on your own, which is why the group process is so powerful! Everyone will benefit from the workouts if they just commit and engage, and now they can do that in a safe and friendly setting.

What we want is to find women over 40 who are ready to jump in, work hard, and embrace the program with an open mind and attitude. Fitness CAN transform your life, and we are looking for women who will represent the program by putting their best foot forward. If this sounds exciting and something you want to try, fill out an application ASAP. Our spots fill up quickly! We can’t wait to meet you.

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 7887 mission grove pkwy S, Ste C, Riverside CA 92508